Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Last Post At Blogspot

This is my final entry at this blog. Please check out my new blog at
I am starting a new modis operendi for this blog, sticking more to issues and important ideas than personal updates, unless personal information enhances what's being discussed at my blog. Check it out. Goodbye, Blogspot!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Thoughts and News

God can be very secretive.
Proverbs says it is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings to seek it out.
He does not hide to prevent being found, but to encourage His bride to search.
My newly acquired job teaching dance ended abruptly this last week when I was informed the economic stress on the dance studio had become too much, and they could no longer afford to employ me. I had been working there about one month when this happened. I know God had a plan for this very short season in my life, even if it was just to gain some experience teaching in an unfamiliar setting. Most of my past teaching experience has been in locations I was comfortable with, and I was given a lot of freedom in how I would teach technique and what exactly I would choreograph. Now I can say I've worked in a totally alien environment, and experienced quite the gambit of new challenges: working with adorable children no older than 5, facing opposition from superiors and students, choreographing multiple levels, and broaching the awkwardness of open rebellion from highschool students. All of this has been extremely valuable, but now I find myself back to looking for the "Now Hiring" signs.
God has something else in mind. Something perfect, like all the rest of His plan, if I can have the sense to see it. Justin continues busy with school, his days full of study and research and choir performances and hanging out with the guys from class. I continue to look for a job and spend my time however I can, often in the house by myself for hours, cleaning or reading or surfing the net. I do enjoy solitude, but only to a point. I have surpassed that point. Visiting my parents in the Springs to help with whatever needs to be done helps break up the monotony, as well as time with Justin. Just this past week we made a trip back in time to the 1920s themed homecoming dance at CCU. I loved getting all dressed up in whatever I have that resembles the era, complete with my hat with the netting falling over the face.
I will also go down to the Springs this weekend to help with my friend's dance apparel store, fitting shoes and leotards for dancers.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Time Passed

Waiting a month to post has been  a long time for me. Life has sped up, leaving the lazy days of somewhere in the not so distant past. I could believe today were a summer day yet, except for the gusts of wind that pull my hair out of the neat arrangement I placed it in oh so carefully this morning. 
Ironically I am getting a bit of the "college experience" vicariously through my husband- as he goes to class and does homework, I tag along sometimes and sit with him in the college library, walk the campus with him. It is strange to watch the students passing by and not doing one thing without being ever so intentional about it, especially the girls. I never dressed up to go to class the way some of these girls do! Fully dressed out in trendy heels and a dress, complete with makeup, jewelry, and perfectly styled hair, they walk half a mile or more in the gusting wind to class. What a different culture! I guess if you live on campus, you must look your best on the fifteen minute walk from the dorm to the library, wearing your highest heels, even at the expense of many blisters. I don't even own enough high heels to wear a new pair to class all week! 
New experiences in the present this fall, but also some blasts from the past. Turns out an ex boyfriend of mine, who spared no expense in insulting my husband and Christian marriage in general, still remains close friends with some people whose respect I would hope to keep. On the one hand, I would hope that true friends would not believe anything slanderous about me, but I also know there are loyalties to their friendship with this person as well. It is in God's hands, but nonetheless a little ruffling. I am not planning on having to defend myself or bring the subject up, as it is possible that this ex boyfriend has gone through a dramatic transformation since the last blow up a few months back. It is also possible that loyal friends will come to my defense. For the most part it just reminds me what dramatic changes happen with time. People who were once inseparable are now at icy odds, or quite nearly at each other's throats. I hate that friendships, and even dating relationships, often end this way. Some things may never be resolved in this life, but on the other side of heaven we will all somehow find ourselves getting along, and truly leaving the past there. God willing.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I am pleased to announce that I was contacted this week by Gayton Dance in Northglenn and will be teaching 3 ballet classes a week there! It is such an answer to prayer! I have been so much wanting a job I could care about, be passionate about, put my heart into- not just another 'getting through school' kind of job. I will of course have to get another part time job to supplement the income, but even teaching a few times a week will be a wonderful outlet, and responsibility. I cannot stress enough the importance and weightiness of influencing children and young adults; "for of such is the kingdom of heaven".
I am nervous to begin, as the students were very attached to their old teacher, and the owners of the studio are very concerned with maintaining and increasing their attendance numbers. I am trusting this to God, because He opened the door for me. He will provide the way through everything I will face in this new and exciting job.
On the same day, we discovered the technical difficulties that had prevented Justin from re-enrolling at CCU and were able to get them cleared up. He'll be starting classes this Tuesday. In the same day God opened both of these doors, answering prayers we've been praying for months- even years, concerning this job. We are so grateful and excited! I will continue to update about my new job after it begins on September 14.

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Zoo, the Times, and the Search

An update:

I turned 23 this past week. Wow old! Justin is not far behind with his coming up in September. We spent a lovely day at the zoo with friends, and then my honey took me on a shopping spree that night! We believe in birthday weeks, not birthday days. The next day we went to dinner and a movie. Then we went out on another date later in the week. And every day we had the excuse to do these things because it's my birthday!

Still looking for jobs; applied to about 6 places in the last week. I really want a job I care about this time!

Still in serious prayer for my mother. As some of you may know, she was diagnosed with MS this year. However, the doctor's diagnosis is not what matters- God's diagnosis is! Thank God in advance for her total healing.

Made a wonderful spice cake last night; so good with brown butter drizzle! Fortunately there were two cakes- one to share with friends and one to keep! haha!

My brother Aaron is preparing to leave for YWAM on the tenth of September. Praying for all of his funds and more to come in in time!

As time ticks by, don't stop praying for the freedom and protection of not only this country, but also all believers. The days are evil, the time is short. Be mindful of the time we live in, because Jesus said, "Behold! I am coming soon! " There isn't a moment to waste in bringing God's kingdom to earth, and to the hearts of all of those that are lost without Him.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Not Surprised

As the town hall meetings and debates over the proposed healthcare reform bill continue, I should just stop being surprised by the media's typical wholesale sell out to the liberal and democratic viewpoint. I followed a link today from homepage to an article on riots that had broken out during a town hall meeting discussing the healthcare changes. I could find approx. five out of seven articles that claimed the "right wing activists and corporations" were inciting people to violence and practically brain washing the poor mindless Americans to protest the bill. This kind of thinking is exactly the sort that allows democratic leaders in Congress to give themselves the luxury of taking control of the common man: they believe that the poor imbecile on the street needs an all powerful government to baby sit and coddle him, because the senseless citizens and voters of this country don't have the intelligence to run their own lives. I thought this was a country "by the people, for the people". Some would have this a country "of the ruling class, for the good of the government." 

I am not a political activist for politic's sake. I make the statements I do because I believe that as a follower of Christ, we are part of His plan for reclaiming creation for the Kingdom of God. That includes our governments, our economies, and our personal lives. I am opposed to the idea that Christians should mind their own business and stay in the church buildings; the Word of God commands us to go and make disciples of all NATIONS... I really think many of us could do well to stay in our home country and just work on making this nation a disciple of Christ, a part of His kingdom here on earth. I love freedom, and I love this country. I loved growing up watching cartoons of Ben Franklin and his wonderful inventions, and being part of this country which boldly stood up against its oppressors in England. We should not cease to stand up against the oppressors now. Our freedom is being threatened quietly, legally, with no legal recourse against it. That is the terrifying part. Thankfully, "greater is He who is in me, than he who is in the world." It is unavoidable that satan is the prince of the power of the air, that he has some right to the goings on here on earth. But he is not all powerful, and his machinations should not go unchecked. As believers and as good citizens of this beautiful country, we must stand up for freedom, for the lives of the innocent, for this world which is becoming the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ. 
And we should begin with repentance. With asking a Holy God to have mercy on this nation which has fallen so far from holy. Beginning with ourselves. To forgive us for our children that we've murdered, for throwing Him out of our schools, for sitting down silently while perversion is made acceptable, legal. For not guarding the eyes of our young men from "adult entertainment".  What in the world makes us think sin is adult entertainment? But that's another blog. 

"God, end abortion; send revival to America. "

Monday, August 3, 2009

Your mother and Euthenasia

We all know what euthenasia is. Something horrible people do in warring barbaric countries in un-enlightened places else where. Or is it? The new healthcare bill proposed by the democratic party and promoted by our president is exactly that. This bill will require all those living in America (except congress, of course) to be obliged to fall under this healthcare plan, whether they want to or not. You will be forced to attend a "counselling session" every 5 years to discuss how you can refuse medical care, refuse treatments, and allow yourself to die earlier, so as not to be an inconvenience to the state. You will also be subject to a board of politicians who will decide whether or not you have outlived your usefulness to society, and therefore if you will be denied medical treatments when you're ill. Don't like it? Obama does. But God is not mocked. When men try to take God's place there will always be repercussions. Stalin also adopted "healthcare reform" and nationalized healthcare; his country went bankrupt within the year. Nazi Germany also started their euthenasia and murder of the "weak and undesireable" through the health care system. God, spare us from going the way these went. Read more, and better yet, read the bill for yourself. Contact your representatives, and do not be silent.

"Stand up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute."
Proverbs 31:8

Learn More:

And contact your representatives to take a stand for justice:

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Pink tutu with Roses

I spent about an hour today at a local ballet studio where I taught a class for what was supposed to be 6-8 year olds. It was more like 5-13 year olds; wow. It was a blessing to be able to do this, share with little girls the love of dance. But it was also a bit of an adventure- some of the girls seemed more interested in hanging off the barre or sitting on the floor than dancing. But what can you expect from 6 year olds? They do their best. The owners of the studio seemed fairly pleased with my teaching, although I still have to wait to hear back from them about a permanent position. I could really get used to that. :) I enjoyed the time, although it is nerve wracking not knowing the outcome. It is in God's hands.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Hello readers,
This week I have been preparing for a very exciting opportunity! I am guest teaching tomorrow at a dance studio close to our place; it's like a dance interview to get a teaching job there. I will be teaching 6-8 year olds ballet! Very exciting but a bit nerve wracking. I am almost completely prepared, with music in hand, and would appreciate all of your prayers as I'm a bit nervous! This is the kind of opportunity I've been praying for. We'll see how it goes!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Recently an old friend contacted me through email and asked me how much I have studied the Bible, and what I feel are legitimate names to use for God, without straying from His true identity. I thought I'd post my response:

"I have studied the Bible in my own way, in my own time, some in school like setting and some in my private time with God over the years. The names of God that you mention are from the Greek and Hebrew translations, and interestingly enough, are not specifically His Name either. The term "Yaweh" is actually often mispronounced. In the original it is a clustering of Hebrew consonant sounds, similar to in English what would be an inpronouncible jumble of letters, like kljdf or kmnknkn. The difference is the Hebrew word, when pronounced directly, is not a word at all, but produces a sound similar to an inhal of breath- Yaweh. We pronounce it as a solid word, but it may be that the breath like noise is more a reflection of our God being the Great I Am, the author of life, of breath. You could look at Rob Bell's video clips online- they're called the Nooma videos and you can search for them. He talks about this title of God in particular. As far as the many other names of God, Jehovah Jaira, meaning my provider, and Jehovah Rapha, and Lord, are many other Biblical names for the one true God, whom we worship. I don't think they are worldly abstractions of His true identity; although in speaking to someone of a Muslim or Hindu background, and in today's crazy world either Jehovah's witnesses or Mormons, you may need to clarify using Biblical Scripture who they mean when they say God. Because sadly, particularly in Mormonism, you will find that they use the exact same titles for God, possibly even including the Hebrew term Yaweh, to describe someone who is definitely not I Am, the God I serve. Jesus is the Hebrew human name given to our God when He came to us in bodily form; this is a completely Scriptural and correct name to call Him by. Lord also describes one of His positionings over us, as it is used in reference to a servant and a master. In the feudal systems of Europe, a vassal, or servant on a lord's land, did what the lord of the land instructed and paid homage to him. We do this with our God as well. This term is widely used in the original Hebrew and Greek describing Jehovah, Yaweh. Many of these titles are similar to different titles that may be used for a person like you or me. My name is April Suits, sister, wife, dance director, student, etc. These are all titles for me. But they only speak of me individually. They help describe who I am and what I do. The Biblical titles we see for God are similar. I feel that as long as God uses names for Himself in the letter He wrote to us, His Word, they are appropriate names to call Him. Once again, clarification may be in order when conversing with people that do not see the Bible as the one and only true word of God. For questions like this, looking at the Bible should be your ultimate authority on the subject."

Thursday, July 9, 2009


I have decided the hardest part about dancing is the transition between the studio and the rest of the world. When I am at a dance studio, I am settled there and feel I could go on forever. Take multiple classes in a row. Never leave the environment. When I am at home, I am at rest, and don't want to bother changing clothes and driving to class. When at peace at home, it is so difficult to rend myself between two worlds- the world of dance, and my personal life. Actually, they are both personal lives, but two separate ones. It is very beautiful when I can swing dance with Justin, and the two worlds meet. But it is so sluggish and difficult to drag myself off the marley floor and away from the barre to the drudgeries of daily life; it is so difficult to wrench myself from the comforts of home to the starkness of an empty studio and the cold of wearing nothing but a leotard. I am home in both worlds; moving between them is the hard part. But I could never leave one for the other; I could never limit myself to one world. That is what creates so many one dimensional dancers, who have sacrificed life and family for the stage. One dimensional people are also made by those who remain in the mundane and never stretch out to experience the magical world of art. Dance without the enrichment of a deep personal life and spiritual life is flat and emotionless. The affectations of the dancer are all fake. The life of a person who remains on the ground and does not attempt to express their spriritual and emotional life through art is trapping their inspiration, their muse, preventing the beauty and rawness of their experiences from being shared with a watching world. A world that needs to experience not only the love of dance, but the love of God through dance. Dance expresses things words cannot, and the spiritual cannot always be expressed in words. God, let my body be a tool in your hands, to show the world the beauty of your love and sacrifice, the beauty of soaring with you in the heavenlies, the beauty of being unrestrained by this physical world. Stretching toward the way you meant us to live, the life you meant us to have, and the intimacy I find with you, only through worshipping you with the dance.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Lately I have been looking for jobs and for my 'place' here in Northglenn. It seems no ready options are presenting themselves. All the places I have applied to, that I had the most hope for and interest in, appear to be out of the question. No available or affordable dance classes have come in to view, and I find myself with nothing to do but laundry and grocery shopping. Justin's school keeps him fairly busy, but we spend time together when we can. There are always waiting stages in life, and it looks like I'm in another one.
On the brighter side, yesterday was our one year anniversary. We spent a lovely and boiling hot day at Elitch Gardens, where we enjoyed the antics of the sea lions, got matching air brush tattoos, and my honey won me a teddy bear! We relaxed at home before heading to DiCicco's for a cozy Italian dinner. My tortellone al fredo was amazing! Afterward we took a leisurely walk through Old Town Arvada. At home we enjoyed our top layer of wedding cake- amazingly preserved for an entire year! We are so grateful to God for the incredible first year He gave us, seeing us through the hard times and blessing us with great ones. We dedicated this next year to God, looking with anticipation to the wonderful things I know He has in mind.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Power Invasion

Yesterday Justin and I visited Power Invasion Ministries in Lakewood. It was such a blessing to us to listen to the truth of the Word being preached, accompanied with power. Later that day, I joined their outreach team for an evening 'carnival' at the park. I set up the face painting table for the kids, and painted many Spidermans on many, many faces. I loved it. The weather was perfect. People were prayed for and delivered, their arms filled with bread and clothing and toys. It was wonderful to see the Church operating the way it was meant to- providing for each other's spiritual needs, and not just the physical. A piece of bread can only go so far. But a piece of bread with the Bread of Life can change a life forever.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Church, youth group, and where I am today

I spent some time reading Pastor Aaron Stern's blog this afternoon. It brought back so many memories- him officiating our wedding, sitting in a School of Worship classroom learning the finer points of spiritual gifts, many, many nights at the Mill, time at New Life Church.
Goodbye, New Life Church.
Although I spent many wonderful years there, many hard memories come up too. Some of my dearest friends have come from my time there, as well as some things I wouldn't mind leaving in the past. However, it is strange, even though I have not attended that church for nearly two years, I find myself feeling even more detached from my life there as I live in Denver. I say my life, because it was church, family, home, school, and work. Not kidding. I lived with New Life students, worked and got paid, worked and didn't get paid, went to school, went to church, went to small group, dancing, movies, putt putt, nights out, you name it.
Goodbye, New Life Church.
I have taken with me priceless lessons- on surviving a total leadership overthrow, surviving bad relationships, co-dependent relationships, group leadership, administration, prayer, travel, witnessing, and so much more. I have also brought away a few chips on my shoulder; I won't deny it. When I re-enter ministry on a church level, some things will have to be relearned.
I at once miss and am happy to escape my time at New Life. And the Mill. I love Aaron Stern and so many of the other wonderful people there, but I am also grateful for the new direction God appears to be taking me and my husband. In a land beyond... somewhere that I don't run into twelve people I know from the Mill at every neighborhood coffee shop. Weird.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Northglenn, CO

Here I am, sitting in a quaint little coffee shop just a hop from our new apartment in Northglenn, Colorado. Weather continues cloudy, with a dash of rain, as it has since we began the move last Monday. An unexpected amount of friends showed up to help, much to my relief. The move went fairly quickly, and, despite some boxes and bags on the floor, I can say we are pretty much moved in. Our new complex boasts a 3-tiered outdoor pool and hottub, work out room, and racquetball court. Justin is thinking he'll have to try his hand at it. The apartment complex itself is a great deal smaller and quieter than our old one, with tall trees shading every nook and cranny, and flowering bushes lining the walks. I am friends with the neighborhood squirrels. One of my favorite features is that our parking lot is just adjacent to a farm, which heaven set down so conveniently in the middle of the city. The fresh fruit and flower market is right next to the road, and the horses and cows can often be seen grazing in the pasture. I love it.
On the rougher side- I am still looking for a new job here. Justin is taking full time summer classes, and I am... not. Hopefully I will find the right place soon, as well as a good dance studio where I can keep up with my ballet. T
Oh, and I got a hair cut :)
Thank God for his faithfulness in bringing his children out to the new places he has planned for them.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


If you don't usually read my blog because it is too philosophical, this is the entry for you. All practics. An update on the lives of the Suits.
In the next month and a half, Justin and I will be moving to the Denver-Lakewood area. Justin will be returning to Colorado Christian University in the fall to continue his youth ministry degree. I will continue to work full time and probably take some studio dance on the side. Please send up prayers for us, as we have not solidified where we will live or work, but we're on a tight time frame. We are both so excited about what God is doing, and we're confident that He has good thing waiting for us in Denver. He has directed us to move there, so we know he has lots of great things in mind. Please make sure to stay in touch with us as we'll be just a bit further away; we may also be needing some help moving as the time draws nearer.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


How could I feel like anyone else when my prince took me to the Glass Slipper Ball? Recently my in-laws invited Justin and I to this ball fundraiser. I dressed in my best Belle look-alike dress, and Justin dressed in his dashing prince attire, and we were off to the ball. It began and seven and ended at midnight- that's when I turn back into a pumpkin. It was a magical night. We sampled cuisine from all the finest restaurants and caterers in Colorado Springs, and voted on the best display from the top florists. We got to dance some, and were blessed with free professional shots by the kind photographer who was capturing the event. We went home tired and happy- and no one had any idea I was really Cinderella, making my debut at the ball in a consignment store prom dress.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Still nothing.

I had nothing to say a while ago, and still nothing. Of course that's what people say when they know if they start talking it will go on and on and on and on and on and frankly my fingers don't have that kind of energy, fortunately for you. I'm tired. In plenty of ways. Looking around the corner, but peeking just doesn't work. This is when walking by faith and not by sight comes in- when you can't see around the corner, but you take that step anyway. First one foot....