Thursday, May 7, 2009


If you don't usually read my blog because it is too philosophical, this is the entry for you. All practics. An update on the lives of the Suits.
In the next month and a half, Justin and I will be moving to the Denver-Lakewood area. Justin will be returning to Colorado Christian University in the fall to continue his youth ministry degree. I will continue to work full time and probably take some studio dance on the side. Please send up prayers for us, as we have not solidified where we will live or work, but we're on a tight time frame. We are both so excited about what God is doing, and we're confident that He has good thing waiting for us in Denver. He has directed us to move there, so we know he has lots of great things in mind. Please make sure to stay in touch with us as we'll be just a bit further away; we may also be needing some help moving as the time draws nearer.