Friday, September 26, 2008

Letting Go

The other night I ran into an old friend that I have not been in contact with for a few years. We went our separate ways when this girl- for argument's sake, call her Jill- felt that I stole one of my ex boyfriends from her. This literally happened over two years ago; the facts are too messy to even think of blogging. The point is, I saw her the other night... the first topic she brought up was my ex boyfriend. She was very intentional about making sure I knew she had been seeing him practically every day this summer, and that she knew what was going on in his life. I was amazed that after two years this girl was still holding onto a perceived wrong; something that didn't actually happen, but to her is worth a grudge of two years, which also cost a friendship. It was sad to see. I was prepared to leave the past where it belongs. Unfortunately, it can take a long time to let go.

Friday, September 19, 2008


This week I came down with pink eye. Someone doesn't want me serving God that's for sure. But it's healing nicely.

We had a manager meeting at work, which was pretty overwhelming. I received a lot of assignments that I don't feel ready for, as I am still being trained and that sort of thing. Regardless, the pay is nice, and I feel like I'm learning.

I am working on school still also, which is a little hard to keep up with when I have been sick so much. Fortunately I have merciful teachers. And, praise God, Justin has somehow managed not to pick up any of my illnesses! More news to come.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

How Time Does Fly

Last year, I began spending time with a new group of friends. This brought me into closer contact with this amazing man I now call my husband. It also began meaningful friendships with several others; I remember when Kyle and Mindy first started flirting... then dating... then Kyle asked Justin and I to help with his surprise proposal. We now look forward to being part of their wedding in the spring. My, how time does fly.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Current Events

This week I interviewed with Deb's district manager and was promoted to the assistant manager position! I began my training today. It's a bit of a rough transition, with all the turnover now that the store manager went back to college, so it will be a challenge getting everything into tip top shape, but we can do it! Thank you God for a job opportunity.
I am also still working on getting up from this obnoxious impetigo. Hopefully this new antibiotic will kick it. In the mean time, I still have class to go to, and home work to keep up on. My math class is proving to be a challenge.
As my facebook is still locking me out, this will be my only form of online communication, so please feel free to leave me notes here or text me.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Impetigo Part II

So today I woke up with a relapse of that dreadful condition impetigo. Missing work again; hopefully not school on Tuesday. We'll see.
On a lighter note, someone has taken it upon themselves to change my facebook password. There is some kind of important info on there that I would like to get into, but patience takes a hand, and I'll have to wait until it can be reset. Sigh.