Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Current Events

This week I interviewed with Deb's district manager and was promoted to the assistant manager position! I began my training today. It's a bit of a rough transition, with all the turnover now that the store manager went back to college, so it will be a challenge getting everything into tip top shape, but we can do it! Thank you God for a job opportunity.
I am also still working on getting up from this obnoxious impetigo. Hopefully this new antibiotic will kick it. In the mean time, I still have class to go to, and home work to keep up on. My math class is proving to be a challenge.
As my facebook is still locking me out, this will be my only form of online communication, so please feel free to leave me notes here or text me.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

Congratulations on the promotion! Sounds like the semester is in full swing for you. Let's do coffee when you're feeling better!