Monday, August 3, 2009

Your mother and Euthenasia

We all know what euthenasia is. Something horrible people do in warring barbaric countries in un-enlightened places else where. Or is it? The new healthcare bill proposed by the democratic party and promoted by our president is exactly that. This bill will require all those living in America (except congress, of course) to be obliged to fall under this healthcare plan, whether they want to or not. You will be forced to attend a "counselling session" every 5 years to discuss how you can refuse medical care, refuse treatments, and allow yourself to die earlier, so as not to be an inconvenience to the state. You will also be subject to a board of politicians who will decide whether or not you have outlived your usefulness to society, and therefore if you will be denied medical treatments when you're ill. Don't like it? Obama does. But God is not mocked. When men try to take God's place there will always be repercussions. Stalin also adopted "healthcare reform" and nationalized healthcare; his country went bankrupt within the year. Nazi Germany also started their euthenasia and murder of the "weak and undesireable" through the health care system. God, spare us from going the way these went. Read more, and better yet, read the bill for yourself. Contact your representatives, and do not be silent.

"Stand up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute."
Proverbs 31:8

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1 comment:

stephy said...

Interesting. Thank you.