Monday, October 20, 2008

All Grown Up

You know you've become an adult when your day off consists of cleaning, laundry, and going grocery shopping while your husband is at work.
For me this also includes home work. Just to spice things up. But I am grateful to not be at work or school(even though my day off also included reading and a form for my work training).
As the month comes closer to an end, the election and the many important initiatives being presented are ever pressing. I am confident that my urgency about this is not political activism, but a righteous indignation and conviction that we MUST have a president who protects the unborn, marriage, and family. We must nominate judges who will do the same. Many may treat this time as a capricious experiment, being swayed by rhetoric and popularity and charm, rather than Godliness versus worldliness, and the consequences of both. There can be no separation for the believer between their "Christian Life" and their "political life". A Christian or Godly life necessitates that life will stretch into all realms, otherwise it is just "doing church" like so many religious hypocrites. Do not let that be you. Do not let the devil hold sway in America. Do not be silent. Awake, oh sleeper! Let the glory of the Lord shine upon you, and His righteousness be proven in the earth.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

So many Christians have been swept up by the broad "change" rhetoric of this election. Others are focusing too narrowly on the issues at hand and not on a BIGGER God!