Wednesday, December 17, 2008

He's making a list...

Nope, not Santa. I remember my mom never liked songs about Santa Claus, and being good for goodness' sake, because it taught little ones to behave for Santa, not Jesus. A clever ploy of the enemy to get the focus off of my Savior, don't you think? But not in my house. No sir. "Santa is just a man dressed up, like a clown". That's what my ever-honest parents taught me; and somehow the lack of Santa never took any of the magic out of the season. Nutcrackers and sugar plum fairies and snowflakes and the impending birthday of Jesus on the way- who needs Santa?
Merry Christmas, faithful readers, and remember Emmanuel- God with us.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I wanted to write something but didn't know what. I had thought about writing exactly what I wish I could do to all the upstart chicks that flirt with my husband; I had thought about writing something political or spiritual. Much the same.
At any rate I sit at home on a Thursday night, finally off work, waiting for Justin to be off work. I find I am not where I would like to be. Not positionally, but spiritually. Work adds into this also. My promotion after just a few weeks of work didn't make me any friends, let me tell you. But God must have a plan; it was a huge blessing for us, but I prefer my employees to like me, or at least respect me. Hopefully things are improving even now.
I am gearing up for the BIG SURPRISE for my husband's Christmas present... due to the nature of the present, I will be giving it to him next week. And I'm almost more excited than he is! I will note his response after that fateful day.
I hate writing and feeling like I have nothing useful to say. I want to be a blessing to people who randomly come across this blog, and never share empty words. I feel like that's what I'm doing. I will be back when I am productive.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Go to this link. America needs to know who this man really is....

Don't be apathetic. God is merciful; if we humble ourselves and pray, He will heal our land.

Monday, October 20, 2008

All Grown Up

You know you've become an adult when your day off consists of cleaning, laundry, and going grocery shopping while your husband is at work.
For me this also includes home work. Just to spice things up. But I am grateful to not be at work or school(even though my day off also included reading and a form for my work training).
As the month comes closer to an end, the election and the many important initiatives being presented are ever pressing. I am confident that my urgency about this is not political activism, but a righteous indignation and conviction that we MUST have a president who protects the unborn, marriage, and family. We must nominate judges who will do the same. Many may treat this time as a capricious experiment, being swayed by rhetoric and popularity and charm, rather than Godliness versus worldliness, and the consequences of both. There can be no separation for the believer between their "Christian Life" and their "political life". A Christian or Godly life necessitates that life will stretch into all realms, otherwise it is just "doing church" like so many religious hypocrites. Do not let that be you. Do not let the devil hold sway in America. Do not be silent. Awake, oh sleeper! Let the glory of the Lord shine upon you, and His righteousness be proven in the earth.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Because babies are a little more important than polar bears,
Colorado citizens...
A very important amendment will be voted on this election season. With all the excitement over the presidential election, it's easy to let things like this slip through the cracks, but we can't let an opportunity like this pass us by. A college student, just like you and me, studying law, wrote this amendment, and it's simple:
Amendment 48 states that the term person or persons shall apply to any human being from the time of conception.
This is known as the Personhood Amendment, following with the famous Dr. Seuss line, "A person's a person, no matter how small." The passing of this amendment will be a huge victory for those seeking to protect life and family at all levels. Turn your prayers and your votes toward life; VOTE YES ON AMENDMENT 48. God is moving, and He promises to protect orphans and widows. Let's do the same.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Letting Go

The other night I ran into an old friend that I have not been in contact with for a few years. We went our separate ways when this girl- for argument's sake, call her Jill- felt that I stole one of my ex boyfriends from her. This literally happened over two years ago; the facts are too messy to even think of blogging. The point is, I saw her the other night... the first topic she brought up was my ex boyfriend. She was very intentional about making sure I knew she had been seeing him practically every day this summer, and that she knew what was going on in his life. I was amazed that after two years this girl was still holding onto a perceived wrong; something that didn't actually happen, but to her is worth a grudge of two years, which also cost a friendship. It was sad to see. I was prepared to leave the past where it belongs. Unfortunately, it can take a long time to let go.

Friday, September 19, 2008


This week I came down with pink eye. Someone doesn't want me serving God that's for sure. But it's healing nicely.

We had a manager meeting at work, which was pretty overwhelming. I received a lot of assignments that I don't feel ready for, as I am still being trained and that sort of thing. Regardless, the pay is nice, and I feel like I'm learning.

I am working on school still also, which is a little hard to keep up with when I have been sick so much. Fortunately I have merciful teachers. And, praise God, Justin has somehow managed not to pick up any of my illnesses! More news to come.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

How Time Does Fly

Last year, I began spending time with a new group of friends. This brought me into closer contact with this amazing man I now call my husband. It also began meaningful friendships with several others; I remember when Kyle and Mindy first started flirting... then dating... then Kyle asked Justin and I to help with his surprise proposal. We now look forward to being part of their wedding in the spring. My, how time does fly.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Current Events

This week I interviewed with Deb's district manager and was promoted to the assistant manager position! I began my training today. It's a bit of a rough transition, with all the turnover now that the store manager went back to college, so it will be a challenge getting everything into tip top shape, but we can do it! Thank you God for a job opportunity.
I am also still working on getting up from this obnoxious impetigo. Hopefully this new antibiotic will kick it. In the mean time, I still have class to go to, and home work to keep up on. My math class is proving to be a challenge.
As my facebook is still locking me out, this will be my only form of online communication, so please feel free to leave me notes here or text me.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Impetigo Part II

So today I woke up with a relapse of that dreadful condition impetigo. Missing work again; hopefully not school on Tuesday. We'll see.
On a lighter note, someone has taken it upon themselves to change my facebook password. There is some kind of important info on there that I would like to get into, but patience takes a hand, and I'll have to wait until it can be reset. Sigh.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

An Update

This blog is slightly different from my others because it focuses more on the current events of my life than what I am thinking or feeling, so for those of you who don't see me often, check it out:
This past week I was diagnosed with impetigo, a form of strep that breaks out on the skin. I missed some school and work, but I'm no longer contagious, and on the way up. Thank you God you're the Healer!
I also am in my second week of work at Deb. I enjoy the work and the company of the other co-workers; next week I hope to interview for the assistant manager position, so please be praying that the right thing comes about. I know some other more experienced girls are applying as well.
Justin's birthday is coming up this Monday! Shoot him a text or a call and let him know we're all glad God has kept him with us 22 years. I have been plotting some things for him...
Sadly, a job position as a dance coach that I was very interested in passed me by because of the impetigo and the fact that I had already been hired at Deb by the time they got back to me. God knows.
Justin and I are both in school this semester, me pursuing my Associate of Arts in Dance, and Justin his degree in Youth Ministry. Which is awesome.
Write me a comment if you have any other questions or would like to leave your mark.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Last night I was awakened by the most terrific noise. I've heard loud thunder before, but this was different. Completely. It was the most vicious noise I've ever heard nature create on its own. It was an explosive growl followed by multiple shocks of lightning in rapid succession. I usually like thunder, but the sound I heard last night was awful. While laying frozen in my bed by the incredible din outside, I was still somehow tempted to go to the window and watch the sky wreak havoc on the earth below. When Justin got up to look out, the storm had been so awful I almost asked him if anything was still there.
I groggily dragged myself to the living room this morning, and the rain was still falling, a steady and light rain that kept the sky dark and the ground wet. It interferes with my gardening plans, but oh, it's a beautiful, drowsy day outside.

"He made darkness His covering, His canopy around Him- the dark rain clouds of the sky. Out of the brightness of His presence clouds advanced, with hailstones and bolts of lightning; the Lord thundered from heaven; the voice of the Most High resounded;"
Psalm 18:11-13

How great is our God! He makes clouds and flames of fire His messengers.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Love Song

Why do our prayers sound more like rigid rhetoric than love songs?

For Him:
Creative authority. He brings creative authority.
Oh God, when will I see your real conviction in the earth? Your Spirit moving, entire cities being changed when people you really sent move throughout the earth?

The world as You intended it. Let us see the world as you intended it. Artists have been trying to make renditions of how they imagine your perfect world, Oh God. I think it's a world where our prayers sound like love songs. Where it's all about the secret place, the silence, the darkness. Let us watch and pray, and wait impatiently, with an awareness of the hour. Let us desperately await Your return. Let us, Oh God, forget our ridiculous formulas and ideas for youth ministry, our money and our promotions and the posters. Let it all be replaced with HUNGER. With you. With a yearning and groaning for God. Where are You? Let my heart wake up.
Wake, Oh sleeper! The glory of the Lord has come upon you, to preach good news to the poor. When is the last time I have spoken this Good News to anyone? Why so down cast, oh my soul? So dead? So dry? So empty of longing?
Wake, Oh sleeper!
Let your humbleness come upon me, Jesus. Let the glory of the Lord rise upon you. May your people look and see the brackets you set on history, on creation- man walking with God, intimate with God, face to face. Speaking to each other face to face, as Moses did with you, as with a friend. How blessed are those who see you face to face! Set my heart on fire to seek and find you the way they did. Be my passion.
You are the One I've been waiting for. My Great God. My beautiful Love. The Lover of Creation and the Lover of my Soul.
Ask and you shall receive.
Oh God I ask. Give me You. Give me the desire and the passion and the fire and the irresistible longing to BE with you.
I will not fit in. I will walk in the dust of my teacher. Jesus save me.

a very restful place

right here. i'm sitting in the living room of OUR apartment. my husband is playing so beautifully on the piano; i can never get him to own up to how good he is on it. so talented. and then he sings along with the gorgeous notes ringing out. sigh. it's amazing. i could listen to him, in this very restful place, all day.

So I have another job interview which I really don't want to do. I already accepted this job over at Deb; I hope I'm not the fox opening my mouth for the bigger bone and losing the one I already have.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Job!

Just like I've been waiting for! It's at a little girly shop in the mall called Deb. It doesn't start out paying much, but my hope is God will turn it into something. Thank you God for a job- even just a little one!

On a much sadder note, I just found out that a friend of mine lost her mom to cancer a little over a week ago. She and I were pretty close til she moved to Cali a few years ago. I had no idea it was so serious; she had only mentioned it to me once. I can only be glad she is with Jesus and that her family is with a great church that will take care of them.

Things change so fast.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Some Coffee

I love that my hubby works at Starbucks. I can sit here comfortably waiting for him to get off work, also knowing there will probably be a sweet treat for me at the end of his shift!
Today I went to Freedom Church for quiet time during the 90 Days of hosting God's presence. Not that we don't do that always, but it's a special time. It was so restful being there. Just sitting. It was lovely. I read and journaled(none of your business) and generally enjoyed a respite from life. A sabbath moment. Like right now.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Too Much Time

I am bored. Sadly, I think I wouldn't be if I had a job. Working on that. In the mean time, it's beautiful outside and I get to see my hubby any time he's not at work.
I have been feeling spiritually dry. Lately, I have spent a little more time reading and spending time with God but I don't feel that motivated; it's not enough. Fortunately, the more you seek, the more you desire. That's what I need: more desire.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

A First Attempt

I have never blogged before. Sounds typical, I know. I thought I never would, that it was a waste of time, but an old friend inspired me. I realize in my case this is more a release, more like journalling. I have a written journal, but that is my super personal one, thank you very much! I will write here abstract and public ideas that won't be too awkward for public viewing.
I am recently married- happily married. On a beautiful summer day I walked down a sun drenched stair to my love, who waited not so patiently for me to say I do. I don't exaggerate when I say there were deer in the grass, and yellow butterflies flitting by as we said our vows. It was unbelievably perfect. Just as our dear pastor Aaron Stern pronounced us man and wife, the church bells in a nearby tower began to ring.
So begins my married life. The rest of my life, our life! Justin is my favorite person, and I was just too spoiled to spend the next week on a beach in Cancun with him. We came home to our tiny apartment, just big enough for two. One of our friends told us that the reason they had so many children is because they started with a such a small apartment that they bumped into each other all the time. Hopefully that won't be true for us just yet!
I feel not quite somewhere yet. Without a job and not much to do except make our apartment cozy, and the fall semester looming ahead, I wait impatiently for where God is taking us, to find out where we are. It is an ecstatic and unbelievable blessing that Justin and I are able to spend our time together; so much to do, and no idea how much time.